Lynn and Randy Rabenstein

A lifetime of service and education for the next generation

Lynn and Randy RabensteinThe Rabensteins share a passion for engaging youth through camping and service. In fact, they met each other through a YMCA camping program. Lynn was a camp director; Randy, a local YMCA associate executive director.

Later, as a seminary student at Pacific School of Religion in Berkeley, Lynn became familiar with GLIDE’s ministry. When she returned to Salem, OR to serve at First United Methodist Church as an intern, she and Randy drove a vanload of high school kids to volunteer for a full week in GLIDE’s Free Meals program. That was the first of many spring break trips with the youth to serve at GLIDE and they brought several adult groups from the church to serve as well. Lynn also organized a group of youth and adult leaders from throughout the Oregon-Idaho UMC conference to serve at GLIDE and return home to expand outreach to those in need in their own communities.

The experiences and the people they connected with at GLIDE never failed to challenge, inspire and deepen their commitment. The team made real connections through their interactions with the staff and other volunteers, many of whom were former GLIDE clients. They were challenged to confront their stereotypes and expand their compassion and outreach back home.

What strikes Randy about these week-long excursions is a lifelong understanding that people who are unhoused, addicted, or transient are not to be feared. He realizes the importance of hearing their story with compassion rather than judgment.

Over the years the Rabensteins have donated smaller gifts to GLIDE to support the Free Meals program. A few decades back Randy inherited a rental home. They read about charitable gift annuities on GLIDE’s website and realized they could gift the home, receive income, help nonprofits, and receive additional tax benefits. Instead of selling the rental home, they set up a charitable gift annuity through the Faith Foundation Northwest to benefit GLIDE and other nonprofits. They have used the income to help fund education for their grandkids. We are happy to have them as members of the Cecil & Jan Legacy Circle for having stepped forward.

Would you like to join the Rabensteins in making a transformative planned gift to GLIDE? Need more information or have questions? Please contact Planned Giving at 415-674-6186 or and we’ll be happy to assist you!